Do you…

Do you…

It’s been a while since I’ve made a post here on the raven’s rest website. Life comes along sometimes when you least expect it, and puts those simple goals of a daily, weekly or even monthly web posting aside. Who’d a thunk it, right? I am not going to promise a daily, weekly or even monthly post, I don’t make a promise, I know I cannot keep. I break that promise and what does that mean to you, out there reading this? For most, maybe nothing, however, for the few, and really maybe very few reading this, my word is my bond, breaking it with you will hurt me more than it may hurt you. Oh, yeah, she said she would write and hasn’t…so moving on now to another’s more active blog posting. The fact I didn’t hold my word, leads me to this thought as well…do you keep yours? Is it important to you that you keep yours…or is it just something you say that has no hold in your life. Do you take to social media to scour who is doing what? Get your gossip fix? Do you keep it to yourself, or do you do like many and pass it along? Do you, pass along what could be “half-truths”, do you know the facts involved? Do you present yourself as judge and jury and condemn a person because of a social media post? Do you get right in with the rest of the naysayers and jump on this person, because it makes you feel bigger to belittle this person or that person, right there from behind your computer screen, or I-phone…or whatever device? That is a rhetorical question. It needs no answer. I don’t personally care what you do. I am not on social media. That is my choice. It is you that has to answer at some point in your life for your indiscretions, if you want to call them that. I know what I am writing in reference to, I’m not going to put details out there, this post is not about that. This post is a “do you”??, with a question. Do you partake in that kind of activity?? I am not judge and jury, I won’t condemn you. But I will remind you, love your neighbors, your friends, your family, those unknown to you. Maybe you will not have the time to play these foolish, hurtful games across the internet and social media lines.

Social commentary over. However, the question remains…Do you???

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